
Byrom is a dance film project initiated by artist Bernhard Østebø. The project observes specific urban spaces in the city of Haugesund and how they affect the users of these spaces, and the other way around. The first demo for the film was done on February 2024
Choreography : Valentina Martínez
Dancers: Valentina Martínez and Sarjo Sankareh
February - July 2024

Synthesis -
Oslo Jazzdansfestival 2024
Synthesis is a choreographic exploration that addresses the complexities of cultural assimilation, focusing on the different paths individuals navigate when integrating into unfamiliar cultural environments. Based on contemporary Latin jazz, the duet aims to reveal how an individual's cultural identity can be simplified and transformed.
Synthesis will be shown under Oslo Jazzdansfestival in June 2024
Oslo (NO)

I move as I write – I write as I move - Tegnetriennalen 2023
Dancer Valentina Martinez and artist Marie Cole will be performing I move as I write – I write as I move, a durational puzzle-performance during Tegnetriennalen. The piece is about regeneration, and the pleasure-pain dichotomy.
The piece is curated by Tenthaus art collective and will be shown during Tegnetriennalen at Tenthaus, Nasjonalmuseet, and at Tegneforbundet, the drawing association in Norway
October - December 2023
Oslo (NO)

HJEMOM - Stories of home
Hamar Performancefestivalen 2023
Performance as a result of a co-creating residence workshop led by artist duo VestandPage. The one hour live performance was presented just once and was based on the unique contribution that each of the invited collaborators brought into the work. The theme of the performance revolved around the subject of home.
October 2023
Kunstbanken, Hamar (NO)

WELCOMING at MOMENTUM 12: together as to gather
«Welcoming» is a choreographic dance piece created by dancers Valentina Martinez and Laura Perrot, in collaboration with second-year students from Kirkeparken vgs. danselinja. This performance celebrates the journey of womanhood, offering insight through movement, into the trajectory of discovery and personal development.
This dance performance is a return to nature, an acknowledgment of ancient rhythms, and a shared experience of growth. «Welcoming» fosters an unspoken sisterhood that resonates with the universal experience of becoming.
September 2023
Galleri F 15, Moss (NO)

Basic Stitch
Basic Stitch was a dance performance based on the historical clothing industry before and after the Second World War, run by Jewish families.
The project is a commission from Jødisk Kulturfestival, and takes its point of departure from a Jewish clothing factory that existed in Trondheim until the 70s/80s, in the old Jewish district of 'Nerbyen'.
The performance premiered during the Jewish Culture Festival on 2 September 2023 at Bogard Cosmo in Trondheim.
Aug / Sep 2023
Bogard Cosmo, Trondheim (NO)

ALDA is an installation and an ongoing performance that exists on the boundaries between dance and visual arts. Inspired by women’s collective physical labour, the work uses repetitive motions and singing to make space for intimate female assembly, care and coalescence through movement, sound and material.
The project is initiated by choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóttir in collaboration with designer Eva Signý Berger and composer Baldvin Þór Magnússon.
Nov 2022 / March 18 - 25 2023
Multiplie Dance Festival, Trondheim (NO)

Movement workshops - ABUDANCE exhibition
Workshop series exploring ways to engage with the exhibited artworks in the ABUNDANCE exhibition though movement and play.
Feb 2023
Galleri F 15, Moss (NO)

Welcoming: Extracts (solo)
Kunst i Store Gilhus Gård
Solo revisiting different parts of "Welcoming acts", a project in development since 2020
Presented as part as Tenthaus art collective's group exhibition in "Kunst I Store Gilhus Gård" - Lier Sept 2022.

Crossings - Åpen Scene - Dansekunst i Østfold
Crossings is a partly improvised, partly choreographed duet exploring the meeting between dance genres of afro-latin roots. The work traces one of jazz’s numerous historical branches, linking this type of dance to percussion instruments, to beats, and to a strong connection to the earth beneath us. In this retake of Crossings, we explore our individual expressions, wishes and frustrations at a crosspoint between our need to belong and to be socially connected.
Åpen scene - Dansekunst i Østfold - Blå Grotte - Sep 2022

Kunsten er død - kortfilm Ivar Åase/ Nordisk Film
Choreography for sequence in short film "Kunsten er død", directed by Ivar Åase and produced by Nordisk Film.
August 2022

WEATHER FORECAST - Jasper Sivers / Nasjonalmuseet
Dance performance as part of the National Museum's opening exhibition, "Weather Forecast" is an interpretation of predictions about the future of the museum made by various professionals, both within and outside the art world. The work attempts to discuss the museum's and exhibition ritual's function, societal task and possible future, whether it is utopian or dystopian.
The museum's opening exhibition "Jeg kaller det kunst" features the work of147 artists and artist groups currently working in Norway.
June/July 2022 - Nasjonalmuseet

Crossings - Åpen Scene - Dansekunst i Østfold
Crossings is a partly improvised, partly choreographed duet exploring the meeting between dance genres of afro-latin roots. The work traces one of jazz’s numerous historical branches, linking this type of dance to percussion instruments, to beats, and to a strong connection to the earth beneath us.
Oslo Jazzdansfestival - Scenehuset June 2022

Jubileumsutstillingen Dansit
20 år - Multiplié Dansefestival
In the public spaces at Rosendal Teater, dancers will be performing various glimpses from the development of DansiT in the last 20 years. From the beginning in 2001 when a group of dance artists in Trondheim established DansiT as a member organisation, until today, where DansiT has become a choreographic senter, on state budget, with a studio space at Svartlamon and offices at Rosendal Teater.
The anniversary exhibition is curated by Mishi Foltyn in collaboration with DansiT. Performers from the Danselaboratoriet, Danseteateret and local dance artists will participate in the exhibition at various times during the festival.
Multiplié Dansefestival 2022 - Rosendal Teater March 25th, 2022

Welcoming acts - SØaR festival 2022
Welcoming acts are gestures of bringing someone/something into our space. They are rituals meant to remove the distance between a host and a guest. We create an ambiance, an opportunity to connect, to meet in the same time and space. Each act carries a thought and an intention. A potential to fulfill. How can simple gestures become so meaningful? How do we define ourselves through welcoming acts?
SØaR dansefestival - March 18th 19.30
Kilden Teater - Kristiansand

IMPOSSIBLE ACTIONS was activated in Rosendal Teater by 8 local professional dancers in Trondheim after a week-long movement research practice at DansiT, based on the structure and concepts of the physical solo NUTRICULA (Shanghai, 2015).
Konsept/Concept: Yasen Vasilev
Utøvere/Performers: Nora Synnøve Eek, Ann Kathrin Granhus, Amalia Wiatr Lewis, Gunhild Løhre, Valentina Martínez Mariscal, Celline Meillaud, Vilde Opeide, Marie Rechsteiner
Presenteres av/Presented by: DansiT i samarbeid med Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder.
Performances February 11. - 12. 2022

Grønland Seniorsenter
Workshop on concept of home with members of Grønland Seniorsenter. These workshops are an initiative of Tenthaus Oslo, a multidisciplinay art collective working with socially engaged art.
The work will take inspiration in memory and the migrant body, as a majority of the members of the center come from a migrant background. The body is a memory collector, and there is no doubt that our history informs the way we move. Our old way of moving will join new ways, in figuring out what home is.
Workshops in November 2021

ALDA - a Nordic dance performance installation
Research workshop on structure and vocabulary for ALDA performance, a project initiated by the Icelandic choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
The work is inspired by the story of women's collective physical work, and especially its relationship to repetitive movements and song, to generate a situation of intimate female gathering, convergence and coincidence.
It will be presented at the Multiplié dance festival in April 2023.

Kulturskole Trondheim
Substitute dance teacher for cultural school in Trondheim
Jazz, modern, creative dance, choreography workshops
March 2021 - Jan 2022

Salsa teaching - SalsaNor Trondheim
Introductory salsa course for partnerwork
Improvers salsa course for intermediate puertorican salsa
Body movement
March - May 2021
Sept - Dec 2021
Basic styling, technique and figures
Weekly class

Skapende dans/Jazzdans
Workshops for children and youth
June, July, August 2021
Choreography and improvisational workshops in different styles
Trondheim and Orkland Kommune

June 2021
Choreography and concept by Amalia Wiatr Lewis

En annen dans - SANS/ Kulturskole dans Trondheim
Dansens dager - Senter for Dansepraksis
April 2021
Another dance is an action that takes place during the Dance Days at schools around the country in celebration of the international day of dance

P1- Mobil atelier for kunstnere i skolen - Tenthaus
Residency – Tenthaus
March 2021
Dialogues with space - workshops on movement, dance and awareness
Production of a creative dance piece with a participatory and inclusive aspect