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Choreographic research


Work in progress

Owls is a search for harmony between two equal forces, light and darkness - seeking comfort in both. The work is a solo recreating an exploration of contact with light after a period of being in the dark. In the search for rebalancing the natural circadian rhythms, the movement in the work is playful with light, but also gravitates into the heaviness and uncertainty of darkness.


Through fluid movements, accents, impulsions and suspensions, the purpose of the work is to translate the search for stability and harmony, through a physical interaction with light. In this search for harmony, the work will dive into different qualities of movement and emotions that relate to our relationship with light and darkness: rediscovery of movement, seeing uncertainty and impermanence from different perspectives, among others. Can balance be found through making peace with the moments of fleeting lightness, and passing darkness, in the understanding of the always becoming? The work relies on sensitivity, intuitive movement, flow and somatic impulses as well as a fondness for esthetic lines, sharp movements and harmonic rhythms both instigated by musicality. The proposal seeks high technical quality, harmonizing moments of expression, with silence. 


The work consists of three acts consisting of the same choreography, that repeats through all acts at different paces, speeds, with different music under each act, and with some improvisational variations.  All three acts lead to an exploration of different moods led by light and the absence of it. 


  • Aube (Ouverture) - A play between light and shadow

The overture will envisage ample use of space

  • Ombre - An exploration of darkness 

The search for lightness from a sense of groundedness is what stands out in this act. Movement is slow and measured.

  • Lumière - Spikes of lightness 

As lightness is found, movements become agile and smaller. 


This piece is part of an ongoing work with somatic relationships with the living environment (both physical and social), finding new ways in which choreography can bring concepts, people and physical spaces together in esthetic harmony. The work also seeks to reflect and expand on the theme of collective freedoms and the encounter of social collectiveness in a common space. 


OWLS is an open-ended and intentionally unfinished work. It takes inspiration in the current pandemic and the situation of many people not being able to establish contact with their surroundings the way they used to. A process of rediscovery and renegociation with what is  known is prompted OWLS as a work in progress was presented in Dansekollektivets Virus & Varsel Påskespesial in April 2020. OWLS is a choreographic research that takes inspiration from Laure Demollière’s choreographic work - characterized by it’s variations of impulses and points of departure from the ground.

Keywords: Collective freedoms, lightness


© 2023 by Valentina Martinez


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