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Weather Forecast

June - July 2022

Jasper Siverts (b. 2000) works with dance as a sculptural practice, often as a choreographer in collaboration with performers. For the new National Museum's opening exhibition "Jeg kaller det kunst" ("I call it art"), he contributed with his work "Weather Forecast". The work is an interpretation of predictions about the future of the museum made by various professionals, both within and outside the art world. With this work, Siverts wants to discuss the function, social mission and possible future of the museum and the exhibition ritual, whether utopian or dystopian. 

"Jeg kaller det kunst" (I call it art") was the most comprehensive collection of contemporary art in Norway and explored what is outside and inside art. The exhibition was on display in Lyshallen from June 11 to September 11, 2022.

Concept: Jasper Siverts @938t2t63 

Performers: Carl Joseph Aquilizan, Hanna Asefaw, Valentina Martinez Mariscal, Mariko Miyata-Jancey, Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn, Marie Rechsteiner, Karstein Solli

Production:  Nasjonalmuseet

The book accompanying the work is designed by Victor Utne Stiberg @i_make_draw

Photos : Jasper Siverts


© 2023 by Valentina Martinez


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