i move as i write / i write as i move
October - December 2023, Tegnetriennalen - All that lies in between
I MOVE AS I WRITE / I WRITE AS I MOVE was a durational puzzle-performance during Tegnetriennalen.
The piece is a process-based performative work around regenerative narratives and acts that transform narratives. The work takes on the duality of pleasure – pain, shame –, and uses a series of movements to deal with the negociation stages that one goes through while tackling with these dualities.
The work is composed by a puzzle of 5 frames, senses, or moments.
The piece is curated by Tenthaus art collective and was shown during Tegnetriennalen at Tenthaus, and at Tegneforbundet, the drawing association in Norway. Read more about Tegnetriennalen here.
Concept and performance: Marie Cole and Valentina Martínez Mariscal
Sound : Marie Cole
Costumes : Ånund Berger
Collaboration : Tegneforbundet, Kunsthall Oslo, Tenthaus
Photos : Ånund Berger