June 2022, Scenehuset, Oslo / Blå Grotte, Fredrikstad
Crossings is a partly improvised, partly choreographed duet that explores the meeting of dance genres with Afro-Latin roots. The work traces one of the many historical branches of jazz, linking this type of dance to percussion instruments, to beats and to a strong connection to the earth beneath us. In five acts, Crossings explores failed encounters, miscommunication and reconnecting with others, with oneself and with one's 'roots'.
Crossings is a work about cultural traces, about influences and aesthetics drawn from Afro-Latin heritage, linked to hip hop and social dance, but also an ever-evolving branch of movement, recreating crossovers of cultural heritage into a shared vocabulary of movement and a shared connection to the ground. Stemming from stories of migration and interculturality, Crossings explores a form of movement, a reconnection to roots, to the earth, to a shared sense of humanity. But, as with hip hop and jazz, it also explores the reinvention of genres and ways of moving, doing and behaving.
Concept: Valentina Martínez Mariscal and Jesús Mora Romero
Performers: Yassen Schøyen / Jesús Mora Romero / Valentina Martínez Mariscal